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Words From The Members

Everyone starts on the journey somewhere. 

Below are a couple of accounts from our members telling their story going into Heathenry. 



Hamish Cronin

My path into Asatru

My journey to Asatru started in Feb 2014. I come from a Christian background, went to church schools etc. My mum's side of the family, the Finnish side, are very religious Christians belonging to the Lutheran church, my dad's side, not so much. I was confirmed and tried to follow the Christian way. But, I never felt a connection to God.

My conversion took off when I watched a documentary and one of the interviewees was labelled as 'Odinist' now coming from a Scandinavian background and loving history I have heard of the gods and was quite familiar with the main ones. I went deeper into the world of Odinism, researching tonnes and tonnes. I began to feel that the Christian faith is fake and evil, not the individuals but the faith. I began to feel that God is the evil, one according to the bible, the devil didn't do half of the bad things that God done, i.e. flooding the world and killing everyone, he is just a psychopath who wants everyone to worship him, hellfire for those who don't! Not only did I start to strongly feel this God is unreal, I didn't want to follow such a horrid God.

I began to research how the Christian faith came to Europe and surprise surprise it was by the sword. I began denouncing my faith and learnt more on Odinism, eventually finding out that Asatru is the name of the faith I have started to follow. I saw two ravens outside my window on my wheelie bins for the first week, signs for me of Muunin and Huugin, haven't seen a raven where I am in Essex since. I began to feel warm with my new faith, a part of something, although solitary, I felt I belonged. I felt the gods to be real, even dreaming I stood at the gates to Asgard, now a dream is just a dream to some but I never dreamt of heaven as a Christian!.

I had none of this as a Christian except feeling like an empty shell. Not one sign of Jesus or their God. I find Christianity totalitarian. I bought a Mjolnir and began identifying myself as Asatruar. Next step was coming out to my family.

I told my wife a long time ago and she is very accepting. My mum and dad found it strange, particularly my mum who thought I was just being silly. After I told them a few home truths about their God they understood my reasons and both have been supportive. My Finnish family on the other hand think I'm lost and next time I see them they will try and convert me. I fear they will not talk to me if I don't convert back which is sad but their choice. It's extremely sad that religion can have such affects on a family, but I hope I'm wrong. Heathenism is far more accepting than the 'main' religions and we don't need a book to dictate to us.

It has changed my life dramatically, I look at the world differently now, money is no longer an issue, I try to enjoy life and live it to the full. I believe the aesir to be real. My path took me to Asatru UK where I met other folk like me and unlike me, people I have learnt a great deal from. My journey now goes on to learn about ancestors and wights although I feel a stronger connection with the gods.

For me, it's not just about following the religion of our ancestors but the true religion of my land. I feel the gods and have accepted their signs, I see things as signs because I can't explain them in any other way, ravens aren't even meant to be in my area!

I'll leave you with this: Friður kemur að þeim sem trúa, peace comes to those who believe


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