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Asatru UK has 2 levels of membership. 



An online member is anyone who is part of the facebook group.

We have a lively online presence, with new discussions going up on a daily basis. All information on our events, and other things are on there aswell. So, if you are UK based, get yourself on there!



Full membership is open to anyone on the facebook group.

It may sound like we run everything through facebook, and for the most part, for daily contact UK wide, this is true.


Asatru UK is an organisaion that abhors all forms of discrimination and racism in Heathenry, and though it is sad to say  - these views ARE still out there. For the good of our members and the community we are creating, we do have to have some measures in place to keep that community hate free. Facebook actually helps us do this, by showing us the people who want to become a member, and through this we can at least try and keep out both spambots, and those from the radical paths. 

Therefore, to be a full member, you do have to go through facebook first. 


Full memberhip is £10 a year.

This gets you:

Newletter 3 times a year

Discounts on AUK merchandise

Opportunity to get more involved with the organisaion if you wish.


All money gained via memberships, goes towards the furthering of the organisation and its aims.


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